Trusted by 20,000+ companies.
Where work happens.
Move cards across boards at once by just dragging and dropping into Drag boards. Easily perform handovers between teams (e.g. need to escalate a support ticket to the technical team? Just drag it from the “Support” to the “IT Desk” board in 1 click so your IT team can take action immediately).
“Drag has allowed us to easily map our business process and get our inboxes under control. We kissed many frogs before finally choosing Drag. Nothing falls through the cracks anymore. No more cutting and pasting between apps. Their support and focus on constant improvement is impressive.”
Shaun Latham
Owner @ Info Bytes Media
“I am very excited to have discovered Drag! I am impressed with this simple, cost-effective and infinitely scalable solution to facilitate our global customer service conversations.”
Anton von Rueden
President & COO @ Boosted Commerce